Parents often cite the flexibility to customize their students’ daily schedules to their abilities, aptitudes, and learning styles as a significant benefit over the rigid, one-size-fits-all routine found in brick-and-mortar schools.
That flexibility, however, can present a challenge. Balancing it with a school-day class routine that is sufficiently rigorous to support academic achievement can sometimes be a hit-or-miss proposition.
If you’re new to online school, or trying to organize an effective remote learning routine, successful Learning Coaches recommend you start at the beginning:
“Sit down with your child or children and explain that you all need to come up with a schedule together. When they are part of that discussion and setting the schedule, they will take ownership of it.”
Chances are you might hear the automatic kid questions—Why? Why do I have to have a schedule? Why can’t I do things the way I want to do them?—so be prepared to discuss the value of routine with your student:
- You will know exactly how much time each task will take, which builds important life skills such as managing your time, setting and achieving goals, and meeting deadlines.
- You will be able to focus on one task at a time, so you’ll get more done in less time.
- Your academics will soar as you settle into your schedule, use your time effectively and, over time, take control of your education.
Another important topic to cover in that conversation: Exceptions will occur, but it’s important to get back on track as soon as possible.
Once you and your student are on the same page, here are some tips for organizing effective online learning routines.
What’s the Best Way to Create Study Routines for Students with Different Learning Styles?
Some kids are early birds, others are night owls, and the rest fall somewhere in between. Regardless of where your student is on that spectrum, you can customize the online school day to take advantage of when your student learns best.

What Are Ways to Create the Best Morning Routine for Online School?
For kids whose energy levels are highest right after they get up, Very Well Family has tips for kick-starting a morning routine. For instance, schedule in play, exercise—whatever your student likes to do—for later in the day. Knowing they’ll have time to get away from their desk is an excellent incentive for sticking with their daily learning plan. Another idea: Block out time to preview what’s on the schedule for tomorrow so they can hit the ground running when they’re full of energy.
What About Students Who Are Night Owls?
The fact is, night owls simply are not morning people. Before signing off for the night, preview the next night’s plan. Casita also suggests blocking out time in the schedule for quick power naps. Turn off distractions, particularly social media; nighttime is prime time for friends and family to get busy on it. Most important, stick to the schedule! Shifting from night to day to night upsets the biological clock, which can produce serious health problems.
“See when your child is most focused (that’s the best time for their most frustrating class) and when they’re tired or grumpy (save their favorite class for then). Don’t be afraid to take breaks or stagger classes throughout the day!”
Remember, online study routines are not written in stone. That’s one of the many benefits of online school flexibility. If you and your student find opportunities to improve the schedule, tweak it to better suit your child’s learning pace.
What Are Some Other Considerations in Planning Online Class Routines?
There are a variety of things that are peripheral to creating a schedule but vital to keeping students on track to achieve their full academic potential.
Create an Inviting, Inspiring Learning Space.
Your student’s at-home learning environment is where the schedule happens. An appealing, student-centric space—developed with your child’s input—creates a positive attitude, stokes enthusiasm, and minimizes distractions. A well-designed space also has a place for all their school materials, so kids don’t lose time searching for them.

Consider Your Student’s Interests.
Giving your student a voice in planning their daily schedule allows them to integrate their passions into their studies. For example, interest-based learning (IBL) can include a separate “makerspace” to complement their at-home “classroom”, encouraging hands-on exploration that can be connected back to study topics. Discovery nurtures kids’ innate creativity and enriches critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.
Encourage Participation in Extracurricular Activities.
Pursuing outside activities, volunteering, or working part-time at an internship provides a healthy respite from a schedule filled up with classes, homework, and test prep. Scheduling extracurricular activities around your student’s school day rounds out their education and can build social skills, teamwork, work ethic, interest in the arts, and community involvement.
Find More Tips and Ideas for Creating an Effective Online School Schedule
Working out an effective remote learning routine that is simultaneously flexible and rigorous takes thoughtful effort. Visit the Resource Hub for more articles to learn how to get started, join a virtual event for inspiration, or request a complimentary Connections Academy® eGuide.